Sunday, September 29, 2013



berhadapan dengan bermacam ragam manusia memerlukan kekuatan semangat untuk menghadapinya,.. sometime aku lemah nakhadapi suma ni, hanya mampu duduk menangis..  orang yg berada kat sisi aku memang nampak mcm okay tapi dari sudut hati aku ni Allah ja tahu.. tapi bila aku fikir fikir kan untkapa aku harus bersedih dengan sumani.. ini ujian allah! ujian untuk mengajar aku erti ketabahan, untuk erti kuat! untuk setiasa lebih dekat denga Dia! aku cerita masalah aku macam mana pun kat sahabat aku masalah tu tidak akan pernah hilang! wallahi, aku rasa tenang bila aku sujud padanya, bila aku dudk menangis dan mengadu padaNya... aku rasa tenang! :') masalah mana tak pernah wujud dalam hidup kita ni? lagi kalau kat dunia, problem never finished! unless kita kat syurga. :) bagi aku, salah satu cara nak lembutkan hati ni kita kena padai muhasabah diri, pujuk hati kita sendiri.. kalau hati kita selalu sangat nak degar bisikan Laknatullah syaitan ni memang sukar nak muhasabah melaikan kita ada orang yang memang tak putus asa nak ingatkan kita pada Allah dan juga bergantung pada diri sendiri untuk lembutkan hati.. berazam lah untuk lebih dekat padanya.. "one step we close to allah double step He comes towards you" kalau masih lagi malas dan berat gagah kan diri untu dengar ceramah, sekarang kegiatan islam makin berkembang.. pagi-pagi lagi bukak TV3 dah banyaksiaran motivasi dakwah yang dapat menjadiantara cara untuk kita tarbiyyah diri kita, join Usrah berkawan dengan org yg soleh/solehah, kalau kat FB add org yg selalu post perkara yg berfaedah. :) bukanasyik mencarut ja..

Dear Sister..

Dear sisters

Dont be like some girls who are proud of being surrounded by many guys…

dont try to win a boys love and lose allah satisfaction.

but be like a star, so far no one can reach u, so dear, bright and shining, guiding people with the light of your good deeds.

be like a pearl, so precious, well protected in your shell (hijab), the only one who can have you is the right man who would realize your true value and cherish your protected beauty.

just be a true and strong Mujahidah fighting against all the fitnah. and temptations around her!. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nice Quote :)

Apabila tiada siapa menyedari kegusaran di hatimu, biarpun kau tidak lagi berusaha untuk menyembunyikannya, mungkin Allah sengaja menutup penglihatan mereka agar kau kembali kepadaNya tanpa mengharap kepada siapa-siapa selain Dia.

we must realize..

Sometimes we need to realize that Allah is always by our side whenever we have problems. Pray to Allah. Everything is gonna be fine.. dont too hope to human, the only we can only depend, hopeis our creator..The Almighty.. Allah swt.. :)

Dear Past, :)

Dear Past,

Although you have left me, there are times when I cant help but miss u. So dearly, so painfully. It hurts to remember the beautiful memories bcause they are no longer mine to keep, but yours and always will be... But it gives me much comfort to remember that Tomorrow has promised me better things. And softly,.. Today whispered to me to smile…

So,.. I smile for the present, for the lessons and memories and for the hope that the future holds.

Alhamdulillah :’)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I believe..

I believe…
That we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I believe…
That no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and, you must forgive them for that.

I believe…
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.

I believe…
That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I believe…
That it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I believe…
That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I believe…
That you can keep going long after you can’t.

I believe…
That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I believe…
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I believe…
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I believe…
That money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I believe…
That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time!

I believe…
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

I believe…
That sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.

I believe…
That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

I believe…
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had and what you’ve learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.

I believe…
That it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I believe…
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

I believe…
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I believe…
That just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other. And just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.

I believe…
That you shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I believe…
That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I believe…
That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.

I believe…
That even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I believe…
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I believe…
That the people you care about most in life are the essence of life.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Now im turn to 20! officially 20!

I'm 20 today, Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulilllah, Allah has granted me with this beautiful 20 years of living. All I can say is I am grateful to be what I am now, at the age of 20 years old. I was a bit sad that my mum and dad did not wish me this morning to wish me Happy Birthday. But, when I reflect back, I should not be sad. Of course both of them remember my birthday. How can they forget the day I arrived in this world and changed their title as a parents forever. I was right though,by noon my mother and father making a lunch, and we ate togther and suddenly mom kiss me and hug and wishing happy birthday to me :'). Even though I received their wish not early in the morning, but other important persons in my life did wish me as early as they can. Without doubt, my friend will always be the first person to wish me on my birthday exactly at 12am (sh.dahlia) . the second wish ismy sister, I was overwhelming upon seeing birthday wish (plus advises) from my sister in my handphone.

Thank You to those who wish me on facebook. You really made my facebook busy today :P

Well, before I forget and go on more ramblings, I would like to list down few things I like and love being me at the age of 20 years old....

- I love seeing myself in the mirror (very pathetic statement) , holding my mom hand, hug her and kiss her, It makes me feel so special and reminds me how lucky I am had a lovely moment with my mom. My bekalan for akhirat, InsyaAllah.

-I love being healthy and be able to do all my responsibilities as hamba Allah, as a daughter, as a sisters, as a student,  and be part of the community.

- now im senior ,semeter 3 already and subject is really tough..phew, insyallah i can do it :)

There lots more to list down, but this top three are my favourite for being 20. im still young hhehe.

That will be all for today..heheh

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Travel da Worldd

sori entry pendek!

aku nak menjelajah ke serata dunia Insyallah :')

jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan, jauh kita pergi semakin banyak pengalaman kita dapat belajar, :) Insyallah, walau fulus belum tebal lagi kalau dah rezeki tak kemana :') *batak sedih pulak* haha

Monday, September 9, 2013

my mooomaa world..

assalammualaikum , yeah hari ni baru ada masa nak berblog kikiki..

almost 20years Alhamdulillah my mom still keep staring tough at me..haha mcm berkawad pulak, :p tapi syukur susah senang fatin she's still be with me,my dad has been past away 2 years ago and alhamdulillah she's just married with someone who are shine her life agains,.. with Pak Imam ...hehe, i dont know why my mom accept this man when he comes to proposed my moommaa.. :D ekceli ibu fatin langsung tak terfikir nak khawin.. but this is what we call Faith! :) If He is meant to be it will be Kun Faya Kun :) and syukur once more a man who are we call it Ayah has been exist in our life.. before this fatin ada publish gambar ayah fatin kan, but not too details :)  so now ilham datang hehe so its time to "shine bright like a diamond " misti automatik suara Rihanna berdengung di hati korang yg sedang mendalami isi kandungan serapu aku ni kannn kihkihkih..

sesi perkenalan ayah aku dgn mooomma aku tak lah lama,beberapa bulan ja, pastu tetiba ibu ckp nak kawen, hikhik.berbunga2 perasaan aku masa tu sebab dah lama rumah ni tak di sisi orang yg baru, tapi syukur alhamdulillah we're so happy with Him,.. selalu azankan rumah, baca quran, baca hadis..ya allah, syukur sesangat :) walau mata ayah buta semula jadi sebelah kiri.. :) ibu skg da tak takot da..ada tema da,. :) malam2 solat tahajud ada yang gerakkan, ada ja cerita nak diceritakan dlm bilik hekhek, *nampak sangat aku sweet silent room stalker kan* :p tapi bahagia lah tengok org bahagia :)

my moomma always be my world.. sebab kalau mak tak da hidup rasa tak sempurna sesangat, hari-hari aku tengok wajah mak aku,kalau tengok dia petah bercakap tu lah buat aku senang hati,kalau tengok dia lemah tu masa tuaku gelabah sangat tapi syukur sesanagt mak aku masih sihat , sekarang umur mak dah 51, tapi x macam 51, :) selalu buat dia ketawa, senyum.. Insyallah mak, atin belajar ni nak bagi mak bagaia esok.. kalau mak da tua ati setiap bulan bawak mak pi SPA, paling atin nak, kita pegi sama2 ngan ayah pergi Haji, Insyallah mak.. mak ni lebih special dari segalanya sebab mak ni kan dia sanggup bangun awal demi nak siapkan sarapan kita walau kita da besar, kalau penat tu consider lah wahai anak, :) mak kita bukan robot, kita da besar kan sendiri pun boleh masak,kalau malas kedai tepi jala jual kuih tu singgah lah sekejap hehe membebel pulak aku :p

btw aku sayang mak aku lebih dari segalanya :') 

sayyyyaanggggggggggggggggggggggg mak! waallahi! sayang mak!

koje part time

sambil tengok bola Malaysia lawan Myanmar, aku duduk di kerusi sofa yang tak berapa nak empuk ,duduk betul-betul di hadapan kipas sambil menghirup kopiko yang panas baru aku bancuh tadi hekhekhek..

jam sekarang dah pukol 9:54pm, aku belum tidur lagi, esok ada invitation ke Hilton hotel ada seminar Kebudayaan, jam &:30 pagi aku dah berangkat .. *tak da can la nak bangun lewat nih* hehe.. malas kan aku hahaha *evil laugh*

okay ni bulan 9 kan? so birthday aku tak lama la lagi ni kan, 21 september hikhik *ada udang dsebalik batu*  sambil menunggu cuti semester berakhir aku menghabis ka masa aku ngan bekerja part time sebagai pembantu penjual Nasi Lomak kakMilah hehe, Alhamdulillah dari tak da wat papa kat rumah baik buat aktiviti berpaedah sket :D jadi masa aku agak hectic lah sket nak luang masa ngan koga and kawan aku sebab dari pagi smpai tengah hari kadang2 sampai petag taw! nasi tu tak basi ponn..simpan dalam periukkukus, jadi Nasi tu tak la sejuk ..

sebelum ni pernah jugaklah aku tolong2 keluarga aku jual-jual, dari situ la aku banyak belajarerti sebuah kehidupan :) Insyallah mematangkan aku :)

dapat dariduit upah tu aku kumpul sket sket buat beli barang keperluan untuk next semster nanti, tak nak lah harapkan duit parent sangat sebab rasa puas and lebih berharga aku guna hasildari titik peluh aku yg masam haha.

sibuk-sibuk jugak, aku amik peluang membaca selagi ada peluang, sekarang kan dah mudah, Hp da boleh bawak pi mana2, maklumat apa suma pun tak miss tapi satu la yang x best, batry hp skg cepat sgt turun, dah la xda plug, tu yg leceh..ish!

solat!tu sepatutnya perkara paling utamaaku nak letak tapi tangan ni cepat sangat menaip nya hekhek, solat korang jgn lupa , sebab once korang tinggal solat masa tu hati korang mcm tak senang, ada jer gelisah , sebab kalau orang yg solat ni kan ada banyak benda baik yg dia dapt.. sebab bilasolat kita misti amik wudhuk kan? mesti la masa tu kita bersihkan diri dari segala habuk , kotoran2 yang ada kat dirikita sesambil tu dosa berguguran bagi yang berwudhuk dengan sempurna, pastu bila og yang jaga solat ni masa tu hatidia tenang, sebab berada dalam keadaan bersih da tenang, lagi-lagi kalau solat berjemaah di masjid :) pastu boleh luah macam-macam kat Allah, sebab kalau kita luah mcm2 kat Allah kan hati ni rasa mcm puas taw, sebab bila kita serah bulat2 kat Allah Insyallah allah permudahkan segala hal kita :)

back to the business..
 so esok aku escape la yer hekhek, lusa baru duty aku balik kuikui,.. dalam fikiran aku ni dapat upah nak shopping hehe.. maklumla pompuan kankann sebab tu lelaki tangungjawab dia bsar, sebab nak kasi habis habis duit dia untuk bini dia ja hehe,.. :p

thanks for reading this entry!