untuk sentiasa berada di jalan Allah.. jalan kebenaran dan jalan yang lurus memang agak payah sekiranya dalam diri kita penuh dengan nafsu dan keduiaan.. sekiranya hatai itu raja segala dii kita itu kita jaga dan didik insysallah untuk berada di jalanNya insyallah dipermudah.. ketenangan berada di jalan utu memang tidak dapat di tandigi dengan ketenangan ketenangan yang lain. ktenangan yang kita cari sebnar benarnya ialah ketenangan saat kita meminta keampunan kepadanya.. saat kita dudk dan sujud kepadanya.. kita tak boleh lihat Allah..tapi kita boleh rasa akan kewujudannya.. demi Allah fatin jumpa ketenanga saat berada dijalannya dan bukan pada kebendaan. memang harta tu peyumbang kepada kebahaiaan tapi bukan pokok pangkal kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan. kekadan diri ini juga pernah jatuh pernah juga remuk dan pernah diberi ujian yang fati rasa tak boleh nak hadapi tapi Allah uji kita ikut kemampuan kita.. Alhamdulillah masyallah fatin sekarang masih lagi mampu ketawa dan masalah itu boleh fatin nak solve. dengan Doa.. dengan pujukan dari sahabat juga but fatin boleh hadapi.. Alhamdulillah di kurnia sahabat yang sentiasa ingatkan fatin akan kebesaran Allah :') thanks Nurul Farhana Binti Wahap.. :') walaupun kami tak pernah bersua tapi kami da lama enal juga da lama contact ^_^
tak ada sesiapa yang dapat lari dari Ujian Allah. Tidak ada satu tangan pun yang boleh menghalang. :')
kita ada Allah. Allah uji sebab dia nak tengok sejauh mana hambanya tu Ingat akan Dia
Allah uji juga sebab sayang! sebab tak nak kita hamba yang Dia sayang jauh dari jalannya! hambanya yang di timpa akan ujian dan ingat kan Allah iNsyallah Allah akan berikan bantuan allah akan permudah. setiap gerak geri kita Allah boleh ubah! dengan kemahuaNya sendiri!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Allah sayangkan kita..
Every time you remember a sin, ask Allah for forgiveness. Perhaps that sin that you have made will become the very reason your heart is polished later on because you are always seeking His Mercy, His Forgiveness, and realizing your weakness in character. Never have despair, but instead, keep turning to The All Forgiving, The Most Merciful, and seek His guidance, for wisdom and hindsight to fill your heart, for permanent change to take place in your soul.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Searchig for a princ? stop it! :')
Nowadays, there is a trend on Facebook/Twitter/blog/tumblr etc where people would talk about marriage..demanding a great, soleh husband/wife to enter the Jannah together and so on...
Looking at a positive side, I cant deny that it is good for us to have a perspective that a relationship between a man and a woman is a thousand way better with marriage -..as all of us get the fact that marriage has more barakah and is a halal way to express love.
Furthermore, a successful marriage is a door to Jannah. I find that it is beautiful when it is said that if a woman is a mans key to paradise (by helping him to fulfill his deen with her through marriage and being an obedient wife), so, a man is a woman’s door to Jannah. The key that opens the door - a husband and a wife need each other’s help to get there, masya-Allah.
The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: ”The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.” (Tirmidhi and Nasa’i)
As a Muslim woman, I also want a great man to marry me - the man who lowers his gaze so that I become the only woman he sees, the man who preserved his heart for me, the man whose love will make me stronger - a gift from Allah, insya-Allah. Surely, I want him to encourage me to be closer to Allah in our baitul muslim; baitul dakwah.
But sisters, do you think that a prince of deen will marry you while you just sit in front of your laptop, busy updating your status about marrying a righteous man or sharing almost all of Irma Hasmie’s marriage photos and saying how lucky she is to become a wife of a great man? Will a prince of deen look for you just because of your splendid poem about marriage, your ‘surat-buat-calon-suami’ entries or your ‘menanti-bakal-imamku-dunia-akhirat’ status? No.
And why do you focus on finding a righteous man only? Stop it. Don’t let your imagination ruin yourself. There are many doors of Jannah so there are many ways to enter them. Dont just focus on one way (marriage). Be a righteous person first, prepare yourself. Devote yourself to Allah and when you stop searching for a prince and make Allah the King of your heart, He will help you to complete your fairy tale.
“I tell the boys and girls... Allah has already written the name of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah. He will send him/her to you when you’re ready. It is only a matter of time.” - Sheikh Mamdouh
friends.. dont worry if you haven’t found your life partner. Be a righteous woman not just because you want to marry a righteous man. Marry a righteous man not just because you want him to go with you to Jannah. You can attain Jannah with or without marriage. Now is the time for you be the one that can lead yourself there.
Take Maryam RA as an example. She never did get married but was still a righteous woman in the eye of Allah SWT. He says:
“And (the example of) Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity, so we blew into (her garment) through Our Angel, and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was the devoutly obedient.”
(Surah at-Tahrim, verse 12)
(Surah at-Tahrim, verse 12)
Pray and make du’a for the best, not just for life in dunya but also for hereafter. Ask Allah to forgive our sins, our parents’ sins, our family’s, teachers’ and friends’. Don’t forget to make du’a for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Burma after every prayer.
And ask Allah to help ourselves to be among the righteous men.
pleasant of Allah
Whatever you do, it is to please Allah swt and bring you closer to Him.. and marriage is one of the vehicles for this. True love as Allah swt intends for it to be will bring you closer to Allah swt, not farther away from Him.
..and he created from among you, spouses. so you may dwell in tranquility together”
Monday, December 9, 2013
Final Exam lalalala
upcoming final examination will come for a few weeks.. very soon! wahaha,, am i ready for it? blergh got soo many things need to settle for this week.. yesterday i was sit on my 1st mid term examination.. its just mid term okay and im still not ready for it.. no preparation! how mess! so many tribulation and im trying to go through with it without any stress or any type of negativity emotional but its still play on my mind and sometime disturbing my emotional. all i do is just Doa.. the most powerful bullets i have to attack with my own emotional. Allah has mentioned in the Quran that He will never burden a soul with more than it can bear..So whatever you're going through will pass...
now im trying to do the best as i can.. even its hard. i have to reduce all my "tummy time" reduce all my " linger time" huaa i cant wait this january.. after examination test tihehehe.. insyallah will go for a vacation with my family.. went to SABAH may be.. ^_^
so back to the track.. what should i do is work and and do it more properly.. may be its late but doesnt mean i cant do any effort rite??
Allah swt look into the effort, not the result. If u did not struggle,.. did not do ur best, and last minute, who should be blamed? Do u even have the right to complaint? No! Because its ur fault, from the very beginning. So start work out so the outcome, will be outstanding.
ok k tidak ada alasan terlambat kalau mls usaha .. tuu je lah :) gud luck all
now im trying to do the best as i can.. even its hard. i have to reduce all my "tummy time" reduce all my " linger time" huaa i cant wait this january.. after examination test tihehehe.. insyallah will go for a vacation with my family.. went to SABAH may be.. ^_^
so back to the track.. what should i do is work and and do it more properly.. may be its late but doesnt mean i cant do any effort rite??
Allah swt look into the effort, not the result. If u did not struggle,.. did not do ur best, and last minute, who should be blamed? Do u even have the right to complaint? No! Because its ur fault, from the very beginning. So start work out so the outcome, will be outstanding.
ok k tidak ada alasan terlambat kalau mls usaha .. tuu je lah :) gud luck all
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Vitamin Q? :)
I just wanna share this, a beautiful yet very beneficial post that i've read from a wonderful site :) very inspiring!
so, i highlighted here and there to make it clear and much more easier to understand~
Back then, I never really understood when people say “make the Quran your best friend.” To me, it is just a book. In a language I unfortunately do not understand. And growing up, there were so many taboos (pantang-larang) associated with this one book.
“Ablution is compulsory! (Wajib berwudhu!). Wear your praying garments! (Pakai telekung!). Read only on your praying mat! (Mengaji atas tikar sejadah!). Put it on the top most cupboard! (Letak atas almari paling tinggi!). Do not be in contact with it when you are on vacation!” And I am not talking about the literal vacation.
Thus I wondered, how on earth is one supposed to be in this “madly-in-love” relationship if one is only allowed to see it five times a day, in a position one might not be comfortable with (Duduk bersila masa mengaji!) and one cannot be in contact with it when one is on vacation. Do you know that one is in her worst murderous mood when she is on vacation? Again, I am not talking about the literal vacation.
So yes, I never really understood when some people say “make the Quran your best friend.”
My curiosity towards the concept of turning your Quran into something more than just a holy book began when one of my favourite authors wrote “All the verses in the Quran are like personal love letters from God to us.” This single statement struck a chord inside me. All this while I thought the sole purpose of completing the recitation of the Quran (mengkhatamkan Quran) was so that we could have a khatm Quran ceremony. It was just one of life’s goals to achieve. “You have to finish reading your Quran before you turn 12!”. And once the ceremony is over, so is our connection with the Quran.
We missed out on the chance to bond with our Quran. We missed out on the opportunity to make the Quran as our best friend, the one that will help us get through our trials in life, through sadness and downfalls. The one that will remind us not to forget to thank Allah when something good comes our way or to remind us that we have a purpose in this life, that we were not born or placed on this earth to grow, eat, sleep, work, get married, produce offspring and die peacefully.
A couple of years ago I met two women who changed my entire view on this matter. These two inspiring women taught me and guided me on how to commit myself to a relationship like no other. That it is not too late for me to chase after the Quran and make it my best friend. Just like how you have to know someone to be in love with someone, the same concept is applied in wanting to be in a relationship with your Quran.
10 Easy Steps To Kick-start Your Relationship!
1. The first step is to go out there and get a decent copy of the translation of the Quran in a language you are most comfortable with: Malay, Indonesian, or even English. Let’s face it, Arabic is not our mother tongue (in Malaysia it is not). If you want to make this relationship work, you have to start with the basic. This can only be done with a copy of a Quran’s translation.
2. Step 2 is optional but probably one that you are going to love. Get yourself a handbag that will fit your Quran translation. I remembered going to a program in Masjid Al-Mukhlisin, Cheras, where the speaker told us that when women are choosing a bag to buy, they never considered the “Will this bag fit my Quran?”requirement. We usually think and consider whether the bag will fit our purse, our keys, our praying garments, our makeup bag but never the Quran. This being said, it does not mean you now have to chuck away all those bags you currently have and get new ones just because those bags could not fit your Quran. What I am trying to emphasize is not to forget the requirement mentioned above the next time you are out on a quest for a new bag.
3. Step 3 is a continuation from step 2. Guys reading this are probably thinking, “What does buying a bag has anything to do with reading the Quran? That is typical of a girl to use any kind of excuse to justify herself into buying a handbag.” Well, hold your horses guys. The only reason I mentioned step 2 is because in step 3, you are required to bring your Quran with you wherever you go. EVERYWHERE you go, always have your Quran with you. When you go to school, when you go to work, when you are out for leisure purposes, never leave the house without your Quran. Why? Because at any chance you could possibly get, read the Quran. You are waiting for your bus? Read the Quran to kill time. Waiting for your friends at that cafe you love to hang out together? Read the Quran over your favourite cup of mocha. Stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work? Read the Quran. Change the “you-can-only-read-your-Quran-privately-in-your-home” culture.
4. Go crazy and wild with your Quran. I am talking about sticky notes, highlighters, scribbling on the pages of your Quran with new things you have learned about. There are words of wisdom, motivational quotes so profound it will put that “bowl of soup for the soul” book series to shame. There are Quranic verses that tell you about the rewards of Jannah and the wraths of Jahannam. There are stories for you to take lessons from (the story of Ashab e Kahf from Surah Al-Kahf, chapter 18 and the story of Prophet Yusuf from Surah Yusuf, chapter 12.) There are verses so beautifully composed and rhymed as though it is a poetry written especially by Allah for you that your heart breaks softly when you read it (Surah Ar-Rahman, chapter 55). The list of exciting things you will encounter with the Quran goes on and on. Trust me, it will be one exploration that you will have the most fun with. Go crazy with your Quran. Go wild in exploring your Quran.
For me, my most favourite part of getting to know the Quran is when I stumble upon supplications of the prophet and the believers. Mark them. Try to memorize them. Do not let your Quran be that book kept prim and proper on your bookshelf, the pages pristine white because you fear of writing anything on it.
6. Highlight frequently read phrases to familiarize yourself with the beautiful sayings of the Quran. La tahzan (Don’t be sad = لا تحزنا) or Afala Ta’qilun (Do you not think? = افلا تعقلون) are some of the example of phrases mentioned numerous times in the Quran that you cannot help but notice it. Take note of it so that the next time you see it, you would be able to recognize it and you would get that sense of familiarity and feel as if you are personally connecting with the Quran.
7. Know the benefits of reading the Quran. The more you know about the benefits that you will reap, the more you want to spend time with it. The rewards of reading and reciting the Quran are many. An authentic hadith in At-Tirmidhi states:
Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” So increase your recitation of the Qur’an to gain these merits, and to gain the following merit as well.
In another hadith, ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, relates that the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Apart from that, another advantage of being best buddies with your Quran is that it will become your saviour on the day of judgement. In a hadith narrated by Abu Umamah, he said that he heard Allah’s Messenger S.A.W say:
Recite the Qur’an, for on the Day of Resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite it. [Sahih Muslim Hadith 1757]
8. Personalize your Quran. Qurans nowadays are printed and published in so many different designs and colours. Get one that matches your personality. Pink, red, green, leather bound, hard cover bound. Make some fancy cover for your Quran. I know some will argue by saying it is the act of reading and reciting the Quran that matters, not whether the cover matches your bag or the colour of your hijab. But if these things help motivate you, help get you excited about opening your Quran and reading it, I say “Why not!”. If one could constantly upgrade the accessories of one’s smartphone, what is wrong with doing the same with one’s Quran?
9. Take it a step further. If is not merely enough that you upgrade the “external” aspect of your Quran. Enrol yourself in a tafseer class. Learn with teachers and scholars that can deepen your knowledge and understanding about the verses of the Quran. Then take it another step further: Enrol yourself in an Arabic class. It will do you wonders. Often times I get really envious of a person whom upon reading a verse of the Quran, burst into tears because he or she actually understands what was being read. He or she knows how terrifying Jahannam is and how beautiful Jannah is described. Unfortunately, the rest of us do not have the same effect and we could only blame it on our lack of proficiency in Arabic.
10. The final tip: Istiqamah. To be steadfast. Strive to always be in the company of the Quran. Strive to read the Quran every single day. Treat the habit as though it is a supplement, a vitamin to nourish your soul (a sister I know calls it her Vitamin Q). Start small. For the beginners, start by reading a page each day and keep adding as you feel you are spiritually progressing. It is not about finishing the race (to complete the reading of the Quran). It is about enjoying the journey at your own pace. To feel how the verses of the Quran will change you.
So there you go. I really hope you benefit from these ten tips as much as I have. Also a point to always remember is to never stop making du’a to Allah to help ease your journey with the Quran. I ask Allah to enter the Quran into our hearts and to let us turn to the Quran before anything else. I also ask Allah to make you and I amongst those who “speak” the Quran. I am reminded of what Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan once said in his lecture, “Before you want Quran to be your companion on Judgement Day, you have to first be its companion here in this life.”
So my question to you now is: Are you ready to be in this special relationship?
So, don't forget to take our vitamin Q everyday!
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