Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Diamond


" Just because it attracts a man's attention doesn't mean it attracts his respect"

dear women...

the beauty of women is not based on their faces, it is based on their modesty.. a women who are covering their aurah automatically they take care their dignity, women is just like a diamond which is hard to find and hard to is too priceless not easier to found at out there,,.. when a women wear the hijab ..Allah will raises our dignity through what? through the hijab :).. when a stranger man looking at you he will respect you because he sees that you respect youself :)

wearing hijab means we covering everything..except face and palm.. as we see today they are a lot of cases are about "rape" see.. you know how does it happen? because of our clothes.. i know wearing short pants, sexy outfit may attract a man out their... but what did i see is you are tooo cheapest if for them. First, I bet you are wondering why we have to do this? Why do we have to cover our hair and dress modestly?? The main reason is because we want to obey Allah according to what the Quran says.  In the Quran, a guide for us to help us go through our lives, Allah tells us to cover because, to Him, we look beautiful dressed modestly. Wearing a hijab shows a sense of modesty to you and to others.

beside that, Hijab is not just for girls. Allah asked guys to dress modestly, too.So your brothers can't wear tight shirts or skinny jeans either. Many of the same rules that we must follow apply to them, as well.  So don't think guys have it easier.

Be like a diamond rare to see not like a stone easily found everywhere :)

P a t i e n t ... sabar!!

Bismillahirrahmannirahim :)

“And Allah surely loves those who are patient.” 
By being sabar,,, we can gain Allah love. He promised paradise for those who are patient. It would be much meaningful if the patience is a beautiful patience. Even when you are in a trial, you could still be in a state of happiness and still be patient about it. i know being sabar in a hard situation is sooo hard, im one of it, im ordinary human .. but for my opinion for what i have look around me i see there is some deed can we practice to gain sabr... If you hold your faith in Allah SWT always in your heart, then, I assure you that no matter how serious the calamity is, you will have the strength from Allah to be patient. Allah will always be those who remember him constantly. Insyaallah, if you remember Allah, He will remember you to help you, to guide you, to bring you to His Paradise.. InsyaAllah.. 
everyone has their own problem..has their own test their own trials..but through trials and tribulations, Allah gives us the chance to elevate ourselves to be a better than before. He also gives us the chance to remove our sins..every sick, every pain we have it is a your kifarah..and Allah want to make us to be more stronger .. SubhanAllah, there are so many benefits of being sabar :) If only people could see how much the benefits are there for us. We would definitely be sabar throughout our lives. SubhanAllah… :')

whenever you have difficulties in life. Be positive about it. Always say, This is my chance to prove my love for Allah. This is also my chance to collect my pahala/ reward. I’m not going to lose it by giving this to Syaitan! bam!! 
 see!, when we lose our patience and get angry for nonsensical stuff, Allah hates it but Syaitan loves it.. so janan biarkan syaitan mengambil peluang! so know we try to muhasabah and try to be more and moree sabar..... step by step..:) first step is keep silent, second step keep smile, third step is be a coooolll bro!

phewww sampai sini saja Insyallah akan bersambung di kemudian hari :D papaiiii :P

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teguran - Admonition

Assalammualakum! hi .. :) *senyum ala ayu2* :p hihihi...

alright, teguran? every perbuatan yang salah mesti lah di tegurkan? sebab when someone corrects you do not  feel bad or embarrassed sometimes that is just a way Allah wants to remind you how to be better kalau tak kita tak realize pun mistake kita right? tapi yang membuatkan suatu teguran tu macam tak dak makna bila kita menegur dengan cara yang salah, nak tahu apa ciri-ciri teguran yang salah?

1. menegur di khalayak ramai tanpa sembunyi-sembunyi
2.waktu yang tidak sesuai
3.merendah-rendahkan orang yang nak ditegur

jadi bila cara yang salah jadi takda makna pun kita nak tegur sebab kita cuma tahu nak tunjuk salah orang ja kita kena la muhasabah diri kita sentiasa..

jadi ini contoh gambar yang baik untuk kita jadikan contoh :

instead of this!

Insyallah semoga perkongsian fatin pada hari ini dapat kita sama-sama muhasabah diri dan saling ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain...:)


what person can be the best friend? hadith Rasulullah saw, " He who helps you remember Allah and reminds you when you forget him"

friendship is too differently when we compared it to the friend who are we easily found out there, the value of the friendship is too priceless and its hard to find it.. we can't easily buy it at the market, it's come from Allah actually, thats why , no matter what we want always ask at Allah, ask him to gives you a best friends ever..but Perhaps Allah will make friendship between you and those whom you hold as enemies And Allah has power..

                    this is my friend, his name is Lia, and in this frind journey we are quiete a lot of challange, but we still together walau di lambun ombak insyallah jika nawaitu baik, Allah akan kekalkan amin, follow his blog -->>

Friday, June 28, 2013

Keep strong and spread positivity

Alhamdulillah ada masa sikit nak post entry baru hehe.. *ketawa sengih* 

keep strong and spread positivity around you , because of what, bila kita spread something a good news ke mood yang baik ke semua orang di sisi kita pun terjangkit sama dengan virus positive kita  walau sebeban mana pun masalah yang di hadapi bila kita yakin dengan Allah bila kita letak bulat-bulat semua urusan kita kat Allah maka every step .. every deep our heart we are still in a peace.. still tenang and bliss sebab kita put 100% trust on Allah.. Allah uji sebab sayang, sebab dia ujilah kita tak jauh dari Dia. Allah ni kan the best creators.. jadi Dia tahu hamba dia ni macam mana bila di uji baru ingat kat Pencipta Dia. tapi Allah ni sweet kan walau kita masa susah kita ingat dia masa senang buat-buat lupa ula kat Dia.. tapi Allah still nak uji kita boleh jadi Dia uji kita dari segi kesenangan dan kesempitan, tak kiralah dari segi wang ringgit dan sebabgainya. Masalah yang kita hadapi ni kan actually Allah nak bagi kita kuat tau.. sebab hati yang kuat, kental , tak mudah nak putus asa sebab dia dah BIASA.. jadi kita taklah macam orang saat bila dia di uji dia mengelabah sampai ada yang bermuram ..spread negetive ja sampai orang pun menjauhkan diri. bukan selfish tapi sometime orang yang bila dia ada masalah ni dia cakap kasar, rupa tak kemas, hati tak tenang nak mengamuk ja jadi sape yang berani nak dekat kan? jadi spread positivity and keep strong. macam mana nak keep strong?

- dekati Allah
- doa
-baca Al quran 
-motivate ourself

the miracle of Holy Quran, susah nak describe macam mana syoknya bila baca quran..betul ! saya jamin bila kita baca al-quran hati rasa terhibur. ada orang cara dia berhibur cara yang salah, boleh jadi cara dia berhibur boleh buat masa depan dia gelap, orang pandang serong and paling berbahaya cara dia berhibur menjauhkan diri dari Allah dan Hati pun gelap..sebab apa? sebab cara hiburan yang salah, ada yang pegi Clubbing, bergaul dengan orang yang tak sepatutnya, seks bebas..Allahu nauzubillahiminzalik semoga kita di jauhkan dari semua maksiat ni.. :')

Ingat! keep strong and spread positivity okay! jangan risau kita letakkan bulat-bulat semua kat Allah, biar Allah gerakkan hati hambanya2 untuk bantu kita yang memerlukan bantuan ataupun cara yang unpredictable .. Allah is the most Amazing creators so believe me Allah is everything and low your ego.. always remember Allah okay! allah boleh buat hati kamu jadi tenang walau macam-macam ujian tapi kita relex jekk hihihi ..

okay sampai sini ja entry malam ni Insyallah ada masa kita kongsi lagi...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Poyo Subject

Hi assalammualaikum..

today attend in the first class for Pengajian Malaysia, so i need to rewind once more learn topic about "Sejarah" i hate sejarah, you know why? sebab sejarah ni kita kena hafal every fact, but its okay sebab this semester just short sem only and i can force my self to in love with this poyo subject. :P *poyo la sangatttt* okay im a ew blogger and salam perkenalan :)